Inner journey through the fascia
In this theoretical-practical 10-hour workshop we are invited to rediscover āsana from an inner perspective, interconnecting different planes of our existence from the organic experience of the fascia.
On this subject, Lina Franco shares with us:
“The place I reserve today to āsana as well as to ancient texts, without excluding, concerning me, scientific works, responds to a pedagogical project of rehabilitation of postural work at the heart of the experiential and empirical approach of yoga. From the aṣṭhāngayoga point of view, to rehabilitate here means to look at the eight entrances (five outer and three inner) and also the air-lock – between the last door of the outer yoga and the first door of the inner yoga, and to fully understand PRATY-ĀHĀRA – often translated as “withdrawal of the senses” – as this between-two opening to the inner world, whose access would be made in an organic fashion.
The term organic – in Latin, orgǎnǐcus relating to an instrument, a mechanism, clarifies the meaning of this organic intercourse: we are inside an instrument – the body – looking at its mechanics, its logic. We are, in other words, on the side of organs, living tissues, on the side of functions and reactions of the organism (physiology), at the heart of a deep logic that unites soma (the body) with the psychic (mens, mentis: reason, intelligence and soul). If one accepts to understand āsana in the sense of posture as well as organic attitude, then another experience of PRATY-ĀHĀRA will be possible: being with what is, within a logic, a mechanics, that of fascia.”
The approach to the theme will be pedagogical, inclusive and progressive, and no practice of this type of yoga or prior knowledge of Sanskrit is required. Participants should bring their own yoga mat. A certificate of participation will be issued by the yoga school:
Italian, formerly a university researcher, I am a graduate of the Institut Français de Yoga (IFY)* of which I am an active member and teacher.
Inspired as much by the precepts of the Viniyoga school as by the great reference treatise - Patañjali's Yoga Sūtra - I pass on and develop the practice of this teaching in the courses, workshops, seminars and themed courses that I organise in France and abroad.
I was awakened to yoga in 1995 when I met Claude Marechal, the precursor of Viniyoga in the West and editor of the magazine of the same name.
I then turned to teaching, first with Laurence Maman, doctor, trainer and founder of the CAY Centre, then with Peter Hersnack, trainer and founder of the Art of Yoga School, and then with Michel Alibert. Since then, inspiring encounters and nourishing exchanges with other trainers - including Béatrice Viard, François Lorin and Marie-Françoise Garcia - have continued to nourish my teaching and my thinking.
My approach is driven by the desire to combine the solidity of the transmission of the Indian master T.D.K. Desikachar with the necessary openness to research and experimentation.
Since 2017, I have been part of the IFY's learning and recognition process for the status of Trainer, which lasts 4 years.
[* The Institut Français de Yoga (IFY) is, along with the Portuguese Yoga Federation, one of the 22 members of the European Union of Yoga.]
Yoga, the body and self-transformation
My research into the question of the body has led me to question the way in which individuals look at themselves, their place in society and the dynamics of their relationships with others. With a doctorate in Comparative Literature from the University of Paris VII, I have written several books and numerous philosophical and anthropological articles on the subject. My medical knowledge of the body also complements and nourishes my approach and practice of yoga in today's world. For a number of years now, I've been working in the corporate and executive worlds, with the aim of building bridges between everyday professional and personal life.