When wrong knowledge, mistakes and misunderstandings shake one’s stability.
The eradication of wrong knowledge, mix-ups, and erroneous perception is one of the central goals of yoga. From the very first pages of Yoga Sutra Chapter 1 until the few comments of the kaivalya experience in Chapter 4, Patanjali describes the nature of wrong knowledge.
The starting point is that the mind does not perceive things as they really are. The implications and consequences of this include negative feelings, judgement, prejudice, and mistakes.
- What do we do with mistakes?
- Are we able to discern wrong knowledge from preconceived knowledge?
- How can wrong knowledge ruin decisions and actions?
- What is more “dangerous”: to tell someone they are unquestionably right or that they are totally wrong?
Using the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga, the workshop will explore deeply some core concepts of Yoga such as avydia (ignorance), kleśa (affliction), mithya jnana (misapprehension), satya (truthfulness), viparyaya (misperception, or illusory knowledge… as a means to help one to make decisions, to be deeply aligned with them, and stand by them freely (sthira sukha).
Dates: from the 9th to the 10th of May 2020
Place: IRLANDE, Dublin, Clonlea Yoga Studio | Locate
Contact: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. 085 8416800
Price: 210 € (Early Bird 195 €, before 31st January)
One-To-one class: to book your slot, please contact Eleanor Dawson | email
Price One-to-One class: 70 €
And thanks for a great weekend; for your sharing your erudition and insights into the Yoga Sutra: how our lives can be touched and enriched by its wisdom — intellectually, emotionally, physically.
Thank you for the practices.
The workshop was a wonderful experience. I am inspired to nurture my desire with renewed interest and intention.
Wishing you all the best until we meet again.
May Ellen